World peace is not only possible but inevitable.
~ Bahaʼí Writings
World peace is not only possible but inevitable.
~ Bahaʼí Writings
Signed in as:
~ Bahaʼí Writings
~ Bahaʼí Writings
The Bahaʼís in Salem and around the world believe in the oneness of humanity. We are building an inclusive, vibrant spiritual community and we invite you to join us. Explore this site to find out more about us and our activities.
Members of the worldwide Baha’i community are engaged in a learning
process to answer this question - and ways to bring this to reality.
We invite everyone, no matter what your spiritual path is.
Read on to find out more.
For more information, please visit:
Los miembros de la Fe Baháʼís de Salem y de todo el mundo creen en la unidad de la humanidad. Estamos construyendo una comunidad espiritual inclusiva y vibrante y les invitamos a unirse a nosotros. Explore este sitio web para más información sobre nosotros y nuestras actividades para los niño, los jóvenes y los adultos, toda la familia.
Para información en español visita:
One God
One Evolving Faith
One Human Family
En que creen los Baha'is
Creemos en un solo Dios
Una fe en evolucion
Una famila humana
We work with neighborhoods to develop community-building skills at all ages: children, "tweens", youth and adults.
La comunidad
Participamos en la vida de la comunidad, para llegar a una sociedad unida, para el bienestar de todos.
Bahaʼís believe that all people are created equal. We are working to build a world where everyone can thrive.
La igualdad de las razas
Los Baháʼís creen que todas las personas son iguales. Trabajamos para construir un mundo en el que todos puedan prosperar.
Come and join us! See the full month view.
Learn more about our upcoming events, learning opportunities, and more!
"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."
~ 'Abdu'l-Baha
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