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Bahaʼís are working in neighborhoods to help individuals develop capacities to work together to improve their communities.
Helping children develop their spiritual potential, these classes use stories, pictures, quotes and games to learn spiritual qualities.
Empowering adolescents to develop their capacities to work together and serve their communities.
Gather to share prayers and inspirational readings as well as music and share stories.
Learning together, adults develop skills in consulting about how to improve their community and take action together.
“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”
— Bahá’u’lláh
Baha’is value children as the most precious treasure of any community, the promise of our future. If children are to develop their true potential, they need spiritual nourishment as well as academic instruction. Everyone is invited to participate in supporting the children.
Baha’i children’s classes (ages 5-11) nurture children by helping them develop spiritual qualities and behaviors that are the foundation of a joyful life. Teachers of Bahá’í children’s classes are volunteers, youth and adults who live in the neighborhood where classes are offered. All teachers have had a safety background check.
Baha'i children's classes include a number of different activities—songs, stories, arts, crafts, and drama around the lesson's theme. Themes for younger children are related to a particular virtue or spiritual quality, such as kindness, justice or truthfulness. Lessons in later grades examine a variety of topics, including applications of good conduct and cooperation. Children will also learn about nature and history of religion with stories from the world’s great spiritual Teachers. The presentations focus on the common themes of all great religions.
The well-being and safety of children is foremost for us. Parents' approval is essential for children to participate.
At present, all classes are conducted online. Join us for a loving, learning experience.
Worldwide, junior youth are participating in an endeavor that strives to give them a voice in today’s society. These junior youth groups are enhancing their power of expression, sharpening their spiritual perception, and allowing them to analyze the constructive and destructive forces of society.
These groups are for young people between the ages of 12 and 15. This is a crucial period of a person's life as their consciousness is expanding and, day by day, they are becoming increasingly exposed to the forces of society.
Older youth and adults serve as mentors, or “Animators”, to the junior youth groups. Their role is to assist the junior youth in developing their capacities, encouraging them to contribute to the betterment of society as well as encouraging them to question the world around them. Most importantly, an Animator must strive to become a true friend to the junior youth. (All mentors undergo a safety background check.)
One aspect of the group is to study text which includes stories of junior youth from around the world. These are very relatable stories about actual challenges and help the junior youth apply the concepts to their own lives.
Another aspect of a junior youth group is the service component. The junior youth consult about the needs of their neighborhood and how they can help. These acts of service have a twofold moral purpose: to engage in one's own spiritual growth and to simultaneously contribute to the well-being of one's community. Depending on the group, many other activities may take place such as: sports, recreational activities and various art projects.
Junior youth groups are actively contributing to their communities, neighborhoods, villages and even the world at large! When junior youth become spiritually empowered, they take on tremendous responsibility to contribute to the betterment of their communities. A junior youth group has the potential to change their surroundings through the service projects that they do, keeping in mind that change is most sustainable when their efforts are consistent. With countless groups around the globe, junior youth are already moving the world!
The well-being and safety of junior youth is our foremost priority. Parents' approval is essential for the junior youth to participate in the program.
At present, all activities are conducted online. Come and join us!
Baha’is believe in the potent power of prayer. You’ll find Baha’is and their friends, throughout the world, coming together to pray. This is often referred to as a ‘devotional gathering’ or ‘devotional meeting’, and they happen in diverse settings, whether in cities or villages. Although there is no set formula as to how devotional gatherings should be organized or when they occur, they generally consist of reading prayers and passages from sacred texts of the world’s religions, including readings from the Baha’i Writings, in an informal yet respectful atmosphere. Music is often interwoven with the prayers and readings.
These gatherings are open to all and are intended to embrace that attitude of prayer and practice of devotion that is universal to all religions. It is hoped that a spirit of communal worship generated by these simple gatherings will begin to permeate the neighborhood and the community’s collective endeavors. Participants in these devotional gatherings often form a study circle for a more focused study of a spiritual life.
Find out when devotional gatherings are happening online...
Baha’i study circles invite participants to learn and dialogue together. These groups explore the knowledge, spiritual insights and actions that lead to the betterment of society, starting with their own neighborhood. Study circles follow the sequence of courses based on the Baha’i Writings developed by the Ruhi Institute. Started thirty years ago, these study circles now are found all around the world among people who wish to be actively involved in the strengthening of the families and their communities.
The first in the sequence of ten books is called Reflections on the Life of the Spirit. It examines spiritual matters such as prayer, meditation, life and death and the development of the soul. A brief description of each book in the sequence can be found below. Study circles are held all around the United States and are open to all. You are invited to take inspiration from the Bahá’í teachings, benefiting from whatever gems of wisdom and knowledge will help you to address the challenges you face.
Study circles are held in an uplifting environment conducive to the spiritual empowerment of individuals, who come to see themselves as active agents of their own learning. The role of the study circle facilitator is not to impart knowledge, but to assist discussion. Study circles feature participatory learning, involving discussion with others, and the use of the arts.
Here is a brief look at some of the topics for Study Circles:
There are more courses... see Ruhi Institute for more information.
For the present, all study circles are conducted online. Join us for a rich exploration of spiritual topics.
The Baha'i community is engaged in a worldwide effort to learn together how to build community. To find out more about the conceptual framework and materials we study, see Ruhi Institute.
If you are interested in building community and would like to learn along with us, please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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